Free Worlds

Much more than products

“Because art is sharing”

We invite you to learn about who we are and view our collections of trainers, T-shirts, sweatshirts and mugs.
All of our collections feature original drawings made by artists from Sitges. These works of art are registered by the OEPM (Spanish Patent and Trademark Office) and are FREE WORLDS trademarked which is a registered by the EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office).


Fashion in freedom

Browse and discover our how we came to be, our collections of trainers, T-shirts, sweatshirts and mugs All products of offered feature the “Designed in Sitges” brand.

Free returns on all purchases. Free shipping on purchases over 50 euros. Commitment to delivery within 48/72 hours.



Camiseta 3






Taza Premium






For a free world

Juan Salazar por un mundo libre

QUALITY: Our products go through strict quality controls, using sustainable materials and we are committed to minimizing the impact on the environment.

SERVICE: Personalized customer service is available in multiple ways. You can contact us via Phone, WhatsApp and email. We are always available to assist you and answer any questions everyday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Delivery time 48/72 hours. Returns are free of charge.

SOCIAL RETURN: 10% of our profits support non-profit organizations and charity organizations. In addition, as some collections are delivered for a cause in favor of a project. We are currently SPONSORS of COLORS SITGES LINK (Sitges LGTBI+ Association 2022/2023).

LOCAL AREA: All design, edition, production, materials processes are local, “made in Sitges”.
Our collections are made from original drawings (registered with the OEPM) by local artists such as Adolfo Rúa or Nuria Fortuny among others.

IDENTITY: We dream of our identity and our message spreading throughout the World, making and becoming aware that there are many worlds and all must be free.

OBJECTIVE: We strive to achieve a future where our Brand is identified with freedom, respect and benchmarked for quality and service. Let it be a call to demonstrate that the more of us there are; the further we will go for the freedom of people, of towns, of their identities, and respect for Nature. FREE WORLDS is more than selling its products.

We love connecting, what about you?

4 etnias

Write to us

Call us

+ 34 604 85 91 52


Passeig de Vilanova, 11 2° 2
08870 Sitges, Barcelona